Pinnacle Peak Flow Meter View larger

Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter

MW- Peak

New product

The Mini-Wright peak flow meter is a handheld device used to measure the maximum speed of air that can be exhaled from the lungs. 

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What is peak flow (PEF) ?

The peak flow test (peak expiratory flow test or PEF) is a lung function test to measure how fast you can breathe out. You take a full breath in, then blow out as fast as you can into a small, hand-held plastic tube called a peak flow meter. 

Your peak flow score – also known as your peak expiratory flow (PEF) – will be displayed on the side of your peak flow meter. This is given in litres of air breathed out per minute (l/min).

What's considered a normal score depends on your age, height and gender.

  • Size: 100x60x240mm
  • Weight: 25g
  • Measurement Range: 60-880 L/min
  • Accuracy: +/- 10% or 10 L/min
  • Repeatability: Less than 5 L/min
  • Operating Temperature: 10-35 Deg C
  • Operating Humidity: 30-75%
  • Operating Altitude: 0-1400 Mtr
  • Operating Atmospheric Pressure: 1060-860 hPa
  • Storage Temperature: minus 5 - plus 50 Deg C
  • Humidity: 10 - 95%
